Thursday, November 16, 2006

smirky things today

Hmmm, what's perked me up today? Well, sending a CV off to Rada - just for a laugh: will of course keep trying my damndest to sort out the move to Conti's, but an interview might be interesting. thankfully the job description is within my experience. slightly eek-ed to see that students are expected to transcribe by the end of term one, but the Arts lot have been doing okay after only eight hours (well, less of course, as the classes get trimmed due to none of the clocks matching), and some of them had a good go at reading quite complex stuff on the board - first line of 'disteapte-te romene' for example.
Just written a carefully worded reply to Vasta - chap asking for Rp pronunciation of transubstantiation'. You can't use IPA on vasta, so was trying to pick words where the sound is the same both sides of the Pond, and forgot the one for 'ee' (it's 'fleece', btw). basically, what the chap wanted to know was is it pronounced 'traens' or 'trahns'. I said 'traens' (like i've always heard it, and like it says in the dictionary(s). than some chap says 'sorry guys' (love that!) 'some people in the north might say traens, but it is properly said 'trahns''. Had to reply, dropping in all my RP credentials (being east midlands, english, etc), and that the only people I've heard say 'trahns' are jump-ups like my aunt and uncle - where a miner's daughter from a tiny village in fife comes up with 'trahns' (and no it's not a legacy of scots) lord only knows. So that made me smirk, as I know that will have opened a whole can o' worms.
John seems to be enjoying himself in Chooksbri - hopefully this will give him a taste for work, and not for watching DVD's all day. getting a computer will hopefully fire him up when he gets back.
Oh, and the ansaphone message from his mum got me giggling in the street - I see where Gemma gets her, shall we say 'elongated speech structures' from.
Trinity's in Chiswick (highly recommended, if anyone around west london reads this) have started doing some new cakes - the cookies and white choc brownies are VG!
Had an evening free tonight, which is fab - got home at kid's TV time!!!!!! didnt watch any though - had a couple of episodes of scrubs, finished off yesterdays pasta (that's 'paesta' rather than pahsta - I am not my aunt/ant), and the rest of the maltesers. am going to close this and get a cuppa tea and watch 'Buzzcocks'. then an early night.
another nice thing today - the cherry trees on Chiswick Village Green have at last turned colour - that weird almost glowing colour. took a photo on my phone on my way home in the dark - will take my camera out tomorrow - see if there's any nice shots in daylight!
And got new hotwaterbottle yesterday too - cream furry from Boots. Niiiice!


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