Okay. Good things today... got to have a lie in, got reports done (all fairly painless - as I said to John, the good thing about writing reports for these students is that you don't have to pussy foot around: if it's good you can just say so, and if there's something to work on, you can say it without hurting feelings). Made some good Lentil soup last night, using ras-al-hanout for a little bit of spice.
Found a programme on bbc.co.uk.scotland of scots dance music, presented by a guy with THE best Highlands accent - had it on in the background for ages while checking emails.
Christmas tree went up on the Village green - and it looks lovely. Can't wait to get my tree and stuff from John's now - definitely getting into Xmas spirit: already set off some cards.
John's got a workshop for this writing thing he's been shortlisted for, so I am postponing trip to Tewkesbury. Will meet him in Bromley for Muppets, mincepies and possibly other stuff on Saturday, then he's off to the workshop, so I can write more reports, and then we'll go back to Tewkes together on Monday evening, I'll see the show on Tuesday and come back wednesday morning to see a private student at 2.00.
Should get a chance to get a haircut before the weekend. Have kept some cuttings from the Metro about Vidal Sassoon Academy - loved what they did last time, so why not try again? I have the time.

Mind you, though I say so myself, had a wash and straighten this morning, and despite the Hairdryer not enjoying new brush (little bit of overheating and singeing!), kept it tied back all day to reveal shiny waves of sexiness - and no JD to enjoy it! See for yerself...
Apologies for looking a little mad - I do not seem to have got the knack of actually looking normally into a camera - well, particularly while holding it myself with red-eye reduction on.
Must get roots done.
Oh, and got paid by a company I did work for a month back - so hopefully that's a quick holiday paid for.
Right - main reason for tonights blog - have just seen a programme on Beeb one that has made me more angry than any Big Brother/I'm nearly a Celebrity, etc.
'Make me a man again'.
Not that they made the programme, but the loser in it. His only redeming feature is that at least he is such a fuckin freak that he has taken himself out of the Gene Pool - though I don't think he'll qualify for a Darwin Award, as he already has two kids (who he never sees and who apparently hate him). The story is he/she is an Iraqi, who settled over here, had a wife and two kids, became a successful business man, bought Sheffield United, lost money on it, decided he was actually a woman and within I think four months had had all the surgery, including vocal fold shortening, and was living in a Kensington Mews flat as Samantha. Later on, after I think four years, decided he was given bad advice and wants to get it all reversed and be a man again.
Okay, yes he was given extraordinarily bad advice - as far as I could make out, he split up from his wife, presumably over his wanting to become Sam, she left and took the kids, one of whom wrote him a letter, saying how much he hated him, he had a breakdown, and it was AFTER this that a psychologist recommended him for Gender reassignment. Yep, I would sue the ass off that shrink. However, what was truly jaw dropping is how totally unaware this eejit is. And also suggesting that the reason he got the surgery is cause he had shed loads of money to pay for it. At the beginning we see Samantha, smart car, expensive clothes, great hair, talking about the male to female transformation - the electrolysis, the breast implants, the shaving of the adam's apply - and what he now wants done - removal of the implants and a reconstructed cock. So she goes to Harrods to buy blokes clothes. spends £600 on shirts, and a posh suit, and we see her walking about, but with no change of hair, and still with long manicured nails. Oh and REALLY shit shoes! We then find out that after the female to male surgery, Samantha want so be known as Charles Kane.
Charles Kane.
And no-one thought she might not be temperamentally suitable for treatment.
I mean if you want a nice, strong man's name what's wrong with Bruce Wayne? or Del Trotter, or Bernard Black?
We then see her (not had the surgery yet, remember!) going off to buy a boat. Which is moored up in Newcastle. And she has never sailed before. And it's a bloody big boat. which doesn't work. And still nothing other than the clothes (oh and the loss of the implants) to suggest a more masculine outlook. Okay, so he has a go at drinking a pint, and chatting to some of the local Geordies (wish they'd been allowed to comment!), but I make a far more convincing bloke - and I won't need surgery to change it across genders. No, this... I dont want to use the word creature, as that is not fair to genuine transgender patients, but this guy is not one of these: he is just a rich nutter with an impulsive credit card and no one who will stand up to him and get him sectioned. Yes, the guy is in dire need of psychological help, but you can't hep but think that this could never have happened if he'd lived on, say, a teacher's salary.
Yes, I will hugely admit that I am in nearly full radical marxist mode at the moment, and the fact that he is a property developer puts him/her in the same category as lawyers and advertising executives in the Bill Hicks 'Shoot yourself now' listings. Because of people like Whichever Kane, property prices are crippling this nation, destroying the family unit, uppng the stress levels and the self-absorption to chronic levels, and he is using it to pay for surgery which is WASTED, when people are dying, not merely abroad but in this country for lack of access to drugs or preventative surgery. Yes, I know he went private (I think I would kill if it was NHS), but how can it be that a narcissistic, self=pitying c##t like that is allowed by the Lord to have that much money and not share the wealth and make other's lives substantially better, as opposed to a couple of Geordie boat fitters and an already wealthy Harley Street surgeon. Should NOT have watched it after 10 Years Younger. I will forEVER curse the day I saw that Afrikaaner Stick Insect from the top of a bus, and failed to drop something heavy and pointy on her capitalist, shallow, botoxed skull. I can think of no one I would like more to hear had been violently mugged... Must also remember that we have freeview now, and a large collection of DVD's (including Planet Earth from this morning!!!), so am not compelled to watch it. And those who go on it do put themselves up for it, so are literally asking for the comments that are made about having too strong a nose, and not curvy enough teeth.
Now Thirty Days was good, taking an American whose job had been 'outsourced' to India to India to see how those outsource workers lived. He was a nice straight up guy, as were his hosts, who were making good living for themselves with the opportunities that the Telesales companies had given them, but the Janitors and street workers still living in tents in the streets, or three families to one house, but still happier with their lives that that Iraqi tw#t or an of the self-obsessed 'oh, i've been too busy living a real life doing manual work/raising children to cleanse, tone and moisturise each night, and now my life has no meaning' eejits on 10 Years. Wonder what would happen to that show (or most of the other makeovers), if they sent them for the haircut first. Probably much shorter programme, but as effective, most likely.
Right, I',m all GRRRR-d out now. Think I shall crack open the Attenborough and watch something really worth caring about.
I suspect the neices and nephews will have to enjoy having given a yak to a Bhutanese farmer for christmas this year....
... oh why don't I just go and live in a commune for a year?
BTW - really want to make sure that it is understood that my reaction to the Sam/Charles person is nothing to do with the transgender issue. in my profession, I have too much interest in the changes between male and female NOT to understand those kind of gender issues and have sympathy for them. No, this guy was just a pillock, who saw buying a new gender in the same light as buying a boat, who the human race could lose quite easily and not notice. His issues would be very effectively solved by becoming bankrupt.