Sunday, December 03, 2006

smily sunday

third of december and a butterfly flew around the balcony!

Got to have a lie in - hurrah!

Long chat with John - nice. looking forward to next weekend immensely.

Bought freeview box, and it works! Planet Earth crisp and clean - Mouse Lemurs are the cutest things, but Amur Leopards and the tiny peruvian thing that I can find nowhere on the internet (well, you try searching for anything with the word 'cat' and see how much sentimental American ornamentation and gift ideas you have to wade through) are locked in battle for most beautiful.

beginning to get xmas spirit - took trip to Hammersmith and bought spicy scented candles and an embroidered star from Oxfam. the star is made of maroon velvet, with beads and sparkles and is just a really nice thing. Will get one for John when I go next week, and add a little something embroidered.

Thoroughly enjoying internal debate with self about whether to post John's self-portrait on blog. Depends if I get any indication that anyone other than self is reading it. Hmmm (mwah-hah-hah!).

Possibly a little bit of work coming up on a Brummie accent. Was thinking about this on my way back from Earls Court last week - what the heck is my accent? which of those pointless Spotlight boxes would I tick? If Tamsin Grieg is down as RP, I suppose I am too, but I slip into something far more urban very easily, depending on context. How much brummie is in there, let alone Northants - or have I got one of those really useful non-identifiable accents? Need another accent coach to answer that one, I suppose.
Oh and must remember to ask Yvonne about voice over demos tomorrow.


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