Friday, November 17, 2006


Hmmmmm. interesting day. had morning off from Lamda to go to Charing Cross Hospital to get checked out for growths. Not a nice experience, though hugely impressed by the sheet I was given to preserve modesty (no percale there! Cotton or nowt), by the smoothness of the radiographers arms (don't ask), and by my own eejicy by pulling the big red cord in the loos, somehow, obviously, thinking it was a flush, and being surprised when one of the porters knocked on the door asking if i was okay - doh! You can tell I don't go to hospitals much - I was surprised to see proper shops and a hairdressers in the foyer: bear in mind the last hospital I was in was A and E in brum, getting half a kilo of Northampton's best cobble grit scrubbed out of my palm. Money in from Lamda, so had a little splurge - a moleskine city notebook (Dublin - well i'm bound to go there again SOMEDAY), and some NARS colour wash from space NK (well, the one in chiswick is very good at giving out samples). Not hugely impressed with the quality of work this afternoon - with this group having had another week I would expect utter fluency in the accent, and not dumbass statements like 'Israel is in Saudi Arabia', which kind of suggests a lack of depth in the research process, and certainly a skilin avoiding any reference to the religious and political situation in the middle east. Oh, and nor is 'israeli' one of the official languages!
Then had the nice task of popping over to Lamda to go through a bit of Glesgae with some third years. Am slightly worried that they are now so Weegie that naewan wiw unnerstaun 'em. Will await feedback from Yvonne.
Home via Tescos with a big bag of Revels, an oven Chinese and an evening doing nowt. Hurrah.
Oh, and things which made me smile? Chad and Becca twigging one of the 'nonsense' words on the board (voiceless, post-alveolar fricative: front closing diphthong, starting from mid-open back: voiceless alveolar plosive). And gang of lads getting on the train in the morning, with music tsk=tsk=tsking out of a mobile (there is so much to be said for in-ear 'phones) and bottles of lager at eleven. They also got out in hammersmith and began to leg it up the stairs. Joy! low slung jeans couldn't cope, revealing a rather tatty pair of Marks and sparks finest. REALLY hope he heard me laughing at him!


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